Why Muslim women’s wear hijab?

Hijab is a headscarf worn by Muslim women to cover their head and chest. Abaya is a long, loose cloak worn over the clothes. Chiffon hijab is a thin material that is used in hijab. It is a common question in America and many Caucasian countries why Muslim women wear hijab. Most of them believe that it is a religious obligation that has been forced upon all Muslims, but this is not entirely true. The purpose of wearing Hijab can be explained as follows:

  • To show modesty to others and oneself
  • To protect the eyes and face in front of men who are not allowed to look at their faces or eyes, so they must cover themselves up with cloths (Hijab).
  • Protecting their hair from dust and wind damage.
  • Protecting their bodies from sunburns by covering them up with long clothes (Hijab) which cover their body completely into a thick layer of clothing which acts like an umbrella over them because they cannot see anything clearly except shades through its thickness (called "Jellabiya" Arabic word meaning "to protect")
  • Preventing people from seeing anything wrong about a person's body parts by covering it all together with Hijab cloths, even if any part(s) are seen through some openings in its fabric.


Is an abaya a requirement in Islam?

It is a requirement in Islam. The abaya is a cultural practice, and it has been worn by Muslim women since the time of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). It has become an important part of the way in which many Muslim women express their identity and be modest.

The idea behind wearing an abaya is that it gives you more freedom to move around without being exposed to anyone else's eyes or body parts. However, there are also some cases where wearing an abaya doesn't make sense for certain reasons:

When traveling abroad as a tourist or pilgrim with your family members who do not wear hijab/niqab yet; when visiting places where headscarves might cause trouble for other tourists who don't understand why someone would want cover their heads.

Asserting Identity:

 There are many reasons why Muslim women wear hijab, but the most obvious reason is to express their faith. It's a way to assert their identity and culture, and it also serves as an important symbol of modesty.

This can be seen in the fact that many Muslim women choose not to cover their faces because they feel more comfortable wearing hijab than without it (though there are exceptions). In addition, wearing hijab helps maintain the peaceful coexistence of different religions in an increasingly globalized world.

By covering their hair, Muslim women are sending a message of respect to those of other faiths. At a time when religious tensions are high, this small act of tolerance can make a big difference.

History of hijab in Islam:

In Islam, hijab is not a dress code. It's not even a headscarf (which you can wear over your hair). The word "hijab" literally means "curtain." It's more of a lifestyle that Muslim women adopt when they cover themselves with clothes and choose to live their lives according to Islamic principles.

In fact, it's been said that hijab was invented by Muhammad himself in response to his wives' suggestion of covering their heads during prayers as well as other forms of modesty. He liked what they had done so much that he decided to follow suit with his own wives!

Spread of Islam and its traditions:

(1) Spread of Islam and its traditions

Islam is a religion which has spread to many countries including Arab, African and Asian countries. It is followed by Muslims all over the world. The Islamic traditions are similar to those followed by people of Middle Eastern countries.

(2) Not new, but continuation of Abrahamic traditions:

While Islam is often seen as a relatively new religion, its roots actually go back to the time of Abraham, the father of the Jewish people. Like Judaism and Christianity, Islam is an Abrahamic religion, meaning that it shares a common heritage with these other two faiths. In fact, Muslims believe that they are the most faithful followers of Abraham's teachings.

As such, they see their religion as a natural continuation of the Abrahamic tradition, rather than something entirely new. This shared history helps to explain why Islam has so many similarities to Judaism and Christianity, including a belief in monotheism and a focus on ethical living.

At the same time, it also helps to explain why Islam has some significant differences from these other religions, such as a different view of Jesus and a different approach to law and governance. Ultimately, understanding Islam as part of the broader Abrahamic tradition can help to provide a deeper understanding of this important religion.

Westernization of Muslim countries:

The west has been trying to westernize Muslim countries since the 9th century. The result is that today's Muslim women's dress is not only a religious requirement but also a cultural, political and social one. It has become so much of an issue that it even became the subject of heated debates on television channels like CNN and Al Jazeera.

If you look at the statistics from different sources, you will find out that there is no consensus among Muslims about what kind of clothing should be worn by them - whether it should be hijab or abaya (a long black cloak). There are two main reasons behind this issue: firstly, many people believe that wearing hijab does not make any difference anymore because everyone does it nowadays; secondly, some think westernization means taking away their culture because they feel lost without it!

Bottom Line

It is a fact that modesty is welcome in any religion. It is not bound to any one clothing style. Hijab, abaya and hijab dress are the main examples followed by Muslim women who wear these clothes according to their wish. You can see many famous celebrities wearing this kind of dress like Madonna or Beyoncé Knowles styles which match with their skin colour or complexion perfectly so you will definitely must be able to find something appropriate for yourself as well!