Consequences For Not Wearing Hijab: A New Muslim Guide

Hijab means ''to cover,'' as Muslim women, we wear Hijab as an obligation to please God. Not to forget that all Muslim men and women have to follow the commands of Allah without hesitation.

''It is not for a believing man or woman—when Allah and His Messenger decree a matter—to have any other choice, in that matter. Indeed, whoever disobeys Allah and His Messenger has clearly gone far astray.'' (33:36)

We have to lead a life according to the examples and rules; set by Almighty Allah, and no one has the right to alter the given regulation and limitations.

Therefore, discussing why Hijab is necessary or not seems irrelevant since there's only one answer to it; Allah has asked us to do so.

''The only response of the true believers, when they are called to Allah and His Messenger so he may judge between them, is to say, ''We hear and obey.'' It is they who will truly succeed.'' (24:51)

It pretty much sums up why to begin Hijab in the first place. Now let's dig deeper into it.

Covering the Head

Hijab nowadays is regarded as covering the head only. However, the hijab implies not exposing the body and being as graceful and modest as possible. In the surah 24 verse 31 of the Holy Quran, He says: ''And tell the believing women to lower their gaze and guard their chastity, and not to reveal their adornments except what normally appears. Let them draw their veils over their chests, and not reveal their hidden adornments except to their husbands, their fathers...''

This Ayat addressed the issue that a woman requires to wear modest clothing. In the presence of some close relatives, one can revert to a more comfortable form of clothing without appearing immodest.

In case of going out, we have another verse that says: ''O Prophet! Ask your wives, daughters, and believing women to draw their cloaks over their bodies. In this way it is more likely that they will be recognized as virtuous and not be harassed. And Allah is All-Forgiving, Most Merciful.'' (33:59)

Here we understand what Allah asks us to do. To wear Hijab, that is to cover their bodies. We understood that Allah asks the Prophet (PBUH) to ask every Muslim woman to cover their body when going out or in the presence of a namehram man.

According to Islam, the true purpose of Islam is to worship Allah and lead a life that will please God.

Muslim men and women try to be as good at practicing Islamic principles as possible. From praying and doing zikr to being a good neighbour and running an honest business, we are all trying to live a life that can please the Creator of this world.

Kinds of Sins

There are two kinds of sins;

  • Minor sins that we can atone for through prayers and fasting
  • Major sins are termed forbidden acts, along with a described punishment in this life and the hereafter.

A person can only atone for major sins through repentance from the heart.

''As for those who repent, mend their ways, and let the truth be known, they are the ones to whom I will turn ˹in forgiveness˺, for I am the Accepter of Repentance, Most Merciful.'' (2:160)

Modest clothing is also an integral part of following Allah's command.

Therefore, we cannot comment on whether not opting for hijab is an unforgivable sin or not, but we do know that choosing to ignore the command could be a source of some punishment.

However, Allah is the greatest, and he knows the best. If you are a new Muslim and haven't observed the hijab yet, you can ask for repentance since Allahu Akbar (God is the greatest), and He will surely forgive his followers.

Representation of Faith

While wearing a hijab can be considered a personal choice, some countries require women to wear it. Therefore, not wearing a hijab can lead to social stigma and difficulty socializing with your community.

Hence, educate yourself and consult with a trusted Islamic scholar or a local community member to know about the importance and requirements of the hijab in your community.

Nonetheless, always remember that a hijab should be a personal choice and not inflicted forcefully.

On the other hand, some countries consider women with the hijab oppressed and hence, look down upon them. They can face challenges such as insensitive remarks or discrimination at work.

It usually happens in countries where Islamophobia prevails, and the followers of Islam aren't appreciated. However, Muslim women deserve appreciation because, besides all the difficulties, she decides to showcase their faith.

She decides to stand against society and wear a hijab to please God and show her love for her religion by observing a modest lifestyle. Hijab is an act of faith and modesty. 

Importance of Hijab:

We can also understand the importance of the hijab by looking at the set principle for both men and women.

  • While for Muslim men, praying in the mosque is more rewarding than in the house. It is the opposite in the case of women, where praying inside the house is more gratifying.
  • Muslim men carry the bier of another Muslim and walk in their funeral processions as it is rewarding in Islam. Meanwhile, Muslim women can let off.
  • Jihad (fighting for the righteous path) is a glorious form of Ibadah, but Muslim women can excuse it.

Only from these three facts; one comprehend the importance of hijab. Because for women, the rules are changed rather than sacrificing hijab.

Final thoughts

Modesty is not only limited to females. It encompasses behavior, etiquette, speech, and manners: along with the external appearance of a person.

All this is true for Muslim men, too.

''O Prophet! Tell the believing men to lower their gaze and guard their chastity. That is purer for them. Surely Allah is All-Aware of what they do.'' (24:30)

It is the responsibility of each gender to maintain their modesty. Women wearing hijab or not; is not an excuse for the immoral acts of men. Men are responsible for their actions.

Therefore, both of them are required to carry themselves responsibly and modestly in each phase of life.

As for hijab, while you're working for your character and striving to be a better Muslim, one can observe hijab to seek God's acceptance. She should avoid arguments and harsh remarks from society and wear a hijab to fulfill the commands of Allah.