10 Styles Of Hijab Without Pins: How To Wear It
The Hijab is a headscarf that many Muslim women wear to cover their hair. Wearing one is considered an act of modesty and should not be confused with the burqa, which covers all of the face and body. The Hijab can also be worn without pins because it wraps around your neck like a shawl or scarf instead of being pinned to the hairline. Wearing a hijab without pins is possible, and it's a great way to wear the Hijab if you're not comfortable with pins.
There are many different ways to wear a hijab without pins, so here are just 10 of them that you can try out today!
One-Point Hijab Wrap:
This is a popular style for covering the hair, neck, and chest while allowing your face to be uncovered.
Start by folding the scarf in half so that it becomes square-shaped.
Put it on around your head with one point at the front of your forehead above both eyebrows.
Then pull down each side of the scarf to wrap it around your neck.
You can leave the ends hanging in front or tuck them into the sides of your shirt for a neater look.
Two-Point Hijab Wrap:
This is another simple hijab style that requires no pins because it's wrapped twice around the head and neck without covering most of the face. It's also very easy to make!
Start by folding the Hijab in half so that it becomes square-shaped.
Then put one point at your forehead above both brows, and wrap it around your head like a regular hijab.
If you want more coverage, pull down the scarf from each side of your face onto your chest before wrapping it back up behind your head.
Hijab Turban:
This hijab style is unique because it completely covers your hair without tying anything around your neck!
Fold the scarf in half so that it becomes square-shaped.
Then put one point at the front of your forehead above both eyebrows and wrap it around until you get to where you want to place it on end.
The ends should be about the same length.
Finally, wrap the long end around your head to make a turban shape before tucking both sides under your scarf to secure them in place.
Hijab Scarf Knot
This hijab style is perfect for those with longer or thicker hair that might not stay neatly put underneath their wraps.
Instead of tying the scarf around your head, you twist and knot it in front to make a cute accessory!
Fold your Hijab into a triangle shape with one point at the top.
Place it over your hair and secure the bottom corners behind your neck.
Then take each side and wrap them across your chest like ribbons before tying them together again in the front.

Hijab Scarf Twist:
This hijab style is excellent for tying around your hair without pins because it's so easy to do!
Just place one end of the scarf on top of your head with both points at the back.
Then pull down each side onto your chest.
Tie them into a bow or knot before tucking the ends under your Hijab.
Hijab Hair Wrap:
This is an excellent style for those who want to wear their Hijab with down while also covering their hair and neck!
Start by placing the scarf around your head so that one point is at the front of your forehead above both eyebrows.
Then tie it into a knot or bow behind your neck.
Next, take each end and wrap them around your hair before tying it into a secure knot behind your head.
Hijab Turban High Bun:
This hijab style is simple to wear because it requires no pins! It's also great for covering your hair when you want a neater look.
Fold the scarf in half so that it becomes square-shaped.
Place one point at the front of your forehead above both eyebrows and wrap it around your head like a normal hijab.
Twist the ends and wrap them around to make a turban shape before pinning it in place with hair clips.
Finally, take any loose pieces of the scarf hanging from the back and twist them into a messy high bun that you secure with an elastic band at the top!
Hijab Triangle:
This hijab style is simple to tie around your head without using pins because it only requires one point.
Start by folding the scarf in half so that it becomes square-shaped.
Put one end of the scarf on top of your head so that both points are at the back.
Then pull down each side onto your chest and tie them into a bow or knot before tucking in the ends under your Hijab.
Hijab Hair Wrap High Bun:
It's perfect for wearing with down or up hairstyles and would look great paired with a high bun!
Start by placing one end of the scarf on top of your hair.
Then take each side and wrap them around your head like ribbons before tying them into a bow behind your neck.
Finally, secure any loose pieces hanging from your Hijab into a messy high bun and secure it with an elastic band at the top.
Hijab Hair Wrap Twist:
It looks great paired with down or up hairstyles, especially if you want to cover your neck!
Start by placing one end of the scarf on top of your hair.
Then take each side and wrap them around your head before tying a knot or bow behind your neck to secure it in place.
Finally, twist any loose pieces together into a messy bun that you secure with an elastic band at the top!
Tips for Wearing the Hijab:
Tip 1: Choose the right style for your hair.
The hijab style you choose will depend on what type of hair, how it is styled, and where you are going. If you're not sure which style to wear, ask your stylist!
Tip 2: Choose the right material for your hair.
If you have short or thinning hair, it's best to avoid styles with too much volume so that they don't stick out in an unflattering way. If you have thick, long hair, pick a style with more volume so that it'll balance out your hairstyle. If you're wearing your Hijab in a high bun or twist, choose an elastic band that matches the hijab color.
Tip 3: Make sure the Hijab is not too tight.
If you find that your Hijab is becoming uncomfortable, make sure it's loose enough to breathe comfortably in and doesn't pull on your hair!
Tip 4: Wear a scarf under the Hijab when wearing one with an open or low neckline.
It may feel like part of a fashion trend, but it's a good practice to wear an under scarf under the Hijab. This is important for protecting your hair from rubbing against anything that might get caught in it and cause breakage or damage.
Things to Consider Before Wearing a Hijab
If you're thinking about wearing a hijab, here are five things to consider before you put one on.
Make sure that you are comfortable with your decision. It's not just about how it looks, but also the reasons why you're wearing one and what it means to wear a hijab.
Make sure this is something that will keep you focused on God alone rather than making decisions based on societal pressures or expectations.
Find someone who can help guide and advise you and keep up with what's trending in the world of hijabs.
Lastly, make sure you understand the different types of hijabs. There are many ways to wear it, and having a few tricks up your sleeve is never a bad idea!