Simple Hijab Styles
A hijab is a veil traditionally used by Muslim women to cover their heads. It can also be worn to protect the face or part of it. Hijabs are often seen as a symbol of modesty and privacy in Islamic culture, but they are not mandatory for females in Islam.
Hijab styles are often very different based on the wearer's preference, time available in the morning, and what they are doing with their Hijab. Some women can create elaborate styles within a few minutes before leaving for work, while others may need 30 minutes or more to finish getting ready. It all depends on how complex you want your hijab style to be.
What is a simple hijab for beginners?
It's not difficult to find a simple hijab style. It can be as simple as wrapping a scarf around your head and tying it in the back. Other styles involve folding the material and securing it around your head, such as with a hair clip or hijab pin (essentially like a hairpin but for head coverings).
In both cases, these styles are very simple. However, you may want to secure the Hijab with a safety pin, which does not take up much time but gives your Hijab an extra level of security. The hair clip method is often considered more comfortable than the headband style because it distributes pressure around your head instead of just on your forehead.
Hijab styles for beginners are often very simple. It can also be tied in many different ways to achieve various looks, so whether you're working with a tight schedule or just want something quick and easy, there are hijab styles for every personality.
Looking for more hijab styles? Message us for more details!
Where can I find a simple and comfortable hijab for beginners?
Hijab can be a difficult thing to wear as it may not always fit you. But as long as you know the right Hijab for beginners, this should not be too much of an issue to worry about.
There are many different types of hijabs, and they come in all sorts of colors and styles. However, if you're looking for something that will fit nicely on your head and is also comfortable and simple, then Hidjabaya is what you need!
Hidjabaya offers a unique design that makes it easy to wear and put on, not just for beginners but even young girls! Our hijabs also come in many different colors, so you can find one that matches your favorite outfits!
The Different Hijab Styles For You to Choose From
Hijab styles typically offer a lot of variety and choices. This is because they can be worn in different ways and styled in many different ways as well. For those who want to start wearing Hijab, the first thing you'll need to do is find one that's perfect for you, and here are some easy hijab styles ideas to get you started.
Summer hijab style:
This is a weekend hijab style that can be done with a scarf and a long-sleeved shirt. To start, wrap your head with any lightweight material – it doesn't have to be a scarf – and put the ends over your hair. Then put the shirt on and adjust the side points of the scarf around your neck. Add a pair of sunglasses or a hat for an extra touch.
The colorful hijabs are perfect for those who want to try something fun but also chic. To start:
Purchase two lightweight scarves in different colors, one lighter than the other to create contrast.
Wrap each one around your head as if you were wearing a hijab without tying them into place just yet.
Put on a blouse or dress but make sure to leave the front open. Once you've done that, tie each scarf into place.
You can also add an overcoat or sweater over it if you'd like.
Peek-a-boo hijab chic look:
This is a very stylish and pretty-looking hijab style of wearing your Hijab, and there are just a few simple steps to getting this look.
First, you need to secure your Hijab by bringing both ends together, folding them into the shape of a triangle, and then tighten it with an elastic band. The folds should be placed behind your head so that you can have access to your hair for styling purposes. Once it is in place, make sure to smooth out any loose ends, and you should be good to go.
The next thing you need to do is find a hijab almost the same color as your hair. It could be in black or other colors, depending on your preferences and what works best for you. The length of your Hijab depends on your personal preference.
And if this hijab style doesn't work for you, you can always try a hijab that is one size bigger or smaller. This particular style looks stylish but also very easy to do.
The sporty hijab girl look:
For those who love being active and stay fit by doing sports, this next perfect hijab style is ideal for you. Just make sure that your Hijab covers the sides of your head correctly, and then tie a knot on your forehead. If your Hijab has a tip, tuck it away under the knot so that it's hidden from view.
You can also pull it through the loop if you have long hair to give this hijab style a more sporty look and feel.
Ideally, your Hijab should be made of light and stretchy material so that it doesn't fall off while you're exercising or doing sports. But if you don't have a super athletic hijab to work with, then any other regular hijab will also do the trick as long as it's not too thick and not too stiff.
How to wear a simple hijab?
I'm going to try and show you how to put on a simple hijab now. First, take your scarf and wrap it around your head like a hijab. Once that's done, tie it at the back of your head.
Next, find a hijab that's about the same color as your hair and put it on, adjusting the length if necessary. Make sure to tuck in any points that stick out.
Now that that's done, you should be able to wear it without pinning it.
Finally, take two clips and put them on each side of your head. Voila! The Hijab is now pinned up around your ears. It doesn't look too flat or anything either! This style is pretty safe since there are no pins anywhere.
Hijab styles are not difficult to do at all; you just have to know-how. There are many ways to tie a hijab, but this is the easiest possible one. Try it out for yourself!

16 Simple and elegant Hijab styles
The Hijab covers the head and chest, and it is worn mainly by Muslim women after they reach puberty. And while the Hijab can be used to cover various parts of the body, it is commonly used for religious reasons. The Hijab is a garment worn by Muslim women for modesty. It can be said that nowadays, there are many different styles and ways to wear the Hijab, and it has become part of fashion in addition to its role as a faith. Below are the simple but elegant hijab styles you can wear with confidence.
The Hijab of the triangle:
The Hijab of this style is similar to a headband, and it has a triangular shape. This style is more comfortable and easy to wear, especially if your hair is not too long or you do not want the Hijab on your head. You can also pull back their locks in a bun because it looks very stylish when combined with the triangle hijab.
The scarf style hijab:
In addition to the prevailing fashion in the West, this Hijab is worn in various ways, and you can make your own unique style. In simple terms, this Hijab is no more than a long piece of cloth that covers her head and hangs from the back. You can use it to make various styles by using a brooch or a simple pin on one end, and then you twist it around your head until you find a style that suits you best.
The hijab bandana:
This type of Hijab is called shawl hijab, and it is used as an alternative to the scarf hijab. It is bigger and can cover more parts of your hair because it's like a bandana and half covers the head.
The hijab cap:
Girls with long hair often use this type of Hijab because it features an elegant and lovely look like a traditional hat or cap. This style also looks very stylish when combined with buns or braids.
The hijab headbands:
This type of Hijab is very suitable for girls who have long hair and want to wear a hijab that looks natural on their head without covering the chest area. This type of Hijab can be worn just like a bandana, but you can also use it as an alternative to the hijab cap.
The Hijab loose:
The loose Hijab is based on a large piece of cloth covering the head and chest, and it looks like a traditional Muslim dress or gown. This type of Hijab can be worn with pants, skirts, or dresses, and it keeps you protected from the sun during hot summer days. And while it is a simple but elegant hijab style, you can use it with confidence and style to look pretty.
The hijab scarf:
This type of Hijab resembles the loose Hijab in shape and style, which is based on a large piece of cloth that covers your head. This type of Hijab looks more like a turban or bandana than anything else, but it is easy to wear and looks great.
The hijab turtle:
This type of Hijab is shaped like a hood that covers the head and hangs from behind. You can also use this style with your hair in a braid or bun because it looks more stylish than wearing a hijab on your head. This style of Hijab is very suitable for young girls, and it is made of a wide piece of cloth that covers the head.
The hijab flower:
This type of Hijab is called a flower hijab because it looks like a small flower on your hair. It is shaped more like a bandana, but it has more volume, making it perfect to wear with buns or braids.
Hijab hairpins:
Hairpins or clips on your Hijab are not only stylish but also trendy. You can create more intricate styles with your Hijab and keep bangs out of your face by adding hairpins. You can use this style of Hijab to create more details than other types.
Hijab headdresses:
This type of Hijab is called a headdress or resembles the scarf hijab, which is oversized and loose. There are many types of headdresses that can be worn with different outfits to look more stylish.
The hijab heart:
This type of Hijab is called a heart shape because it has an elegant, romantic style that looks like your hair tied in a bow or bow. You can also use this type of Hijab to cover and protect your hair and keep it out of sight.
The hijab bow:
The bow shape is one of the simplest types of hijabs, shaped like a bow that hangs from behind. You can use this type of Hijab as an alternative to other styles, such as the hijab cap or hijab headbands.
The hijab side knot:
This type of Hijab is called a side knot because it looks more like a scarf tied around your neck and hanging on the side of your face. You can use this type of Hijab to create a unique look and add some extra style while protecting yourself from the sun's rays during summer.
The hijab ponytail:
The type of Hijab is called a plaited style because it resembles the braid wearing a high ponytail that looks stunning and elegant. You can use this type of Hijab with your outfit to look more stylish and dressier than other types of hijabs.
Hijab Brazilian knot:
This type of Hijab is called a knot, and it resembles the side knot, which is shaped like a bow that hangs from behind. It looks very stylish because it resembles the scarf tied around your neck and hanging from behind, but more complicated in appearance.