Women Dress Code to Follow in Islamic Way—An Insightful Review 

Islam is the religion of modesty and decency. It allows the decking and making up for women only to show their husband. Islam does not allow a woman to wear out of modesty or show her uncovered body parts to Ghair-Mehram (To whom a woman must veil). Islam emphasizes on women dress code to follow in Islam way. In this guide, we will discuss the acceptable and permitted wearable for the females. Let’s see what Quran and Hadith say on wearing clothe for women. Alongside, we will also discuss the benefit of following Islamic dress code for ladies. 


What Quran and Hadith Say on Women Dress Code? 


Islam provides guidance on various facets of life. Likewise, Islamic dressing is crucially discussed in Islam. We follow Islamic teaching and commands from two sources: Quran and Hadith. Both of the sources guide us on the matters of public decency. While there isn't a strict rules and standard for the style or type of clothing Muslim women should wear. However, certain minimum requirements must be observed. If you are out, doing prayer or taking quran classes for sisters 


Though guidance in Islam comes from two primary sources: the Quran, is a core primary as the revealed word of Allah. While the Hadith comes from and comprises the traditions of Prophet Muhammad. The Prophet serves as a human exemplar and guide, offering practical insights for followers to emulate in their daily lives. Let’s follow the commands of Quran and Hadith on how the women should wear clothes. 


Dress Code Conditions Under the Light of Quran and Hadith 


Condition 1: Covering the Body Parts 


In Islam, the initial guidance belongs to the parts of the body that should be concealed in public. For Women the modesty standards generally dictate that women cover their bodies, particularly the chest. The Quran advises women to "draw their head-coverings over their chests" (24:30-31), and Prophet Muhammad recommended covering the body except for the face and hands. While many interpret this as requiring head coverings, some, especially from more conservative branches, opt for a full body chador, covering even the face and hands. 


Condition 2: To Wear Loose and Overclothing  


Islam emphasizes loose clothing that doesn't outline the body's shape. Body-hugging outfits are discouraged for both men and women. In public, some women use a light cloak over their attire to conceal body curves. Traditional women dress in many Muslim-majority countries resembles a loose robe, covering from the neck to the ankles. 


Condition 3: Thickness of the Cloth 

Prophet Muhammad cautioned against clothing that makes one "dressed yet naked." Transparent clothing is deemed immodest for both women. So, it should be thick enough to conceal skin color and body shape. 


Condition 4: Dignified Appearance 


A woman’s overall appearance should represent dignity and modesty. While clothing may meet exposure standards, flashy or shiny attire are against the Islamic the essence of modesty. So, both Quran and Hadith disallow to wear such a tight and skinny clothing to the women.  


Condition 5: Avoiding Imitation 


Islam encourages pride in one's identity. Muslims are advised to dress distinctively. Therefore, avoiding imitation of other faiths is also a rule to follow in Islam. Women are prohibited from wearing half-sleeved and legged clothes that of other religions women wear in general. Moreover, jewelry and other feminine accessories that may resemble Shirqia (Idolatry) are not allowed by Allah (SWT).  


Condition 6: Decency Over Flashiness 


The Quran states that clothing should cover private areas and serve as adornment (Quran 7:26). Islamic clothes should be clean and decent. Woman should be avoiding excessive fancy or ragged appearances. Dressing should not seek admiration or sympathy from other men.  


What Woman Body Parts are Allowed to Keep Uncovered? 


Islam teaches a full code of dressing and public appearance. Muslim woman and other follow Islam can keep the following parts of body uncovered in public. 

  • Face until Chin
  • Hands until Frontal Wrist
  • Feet until Anklet 

A woman’s pudency, or in other words Sattar is of the above-mentioned body parts. A woman while wearing the cloth must keep in view except for the aforementioned body parts, none of the body parts they should leave uncovered.   


Beyond Clothing: Behaviors and Manners 


Islamic modesty extends beyond attire to encompass behavior, speech, and appearance in public. Clothing is a reflection of inner values, emphasizing a holistic approach to modesty. 


Is Islamic Clothing Restrictive? 


Criticism notwithstanding, Islamic dress is not intended to be restrictive. Those who adhere to modest attire find it practical, seamlessly continuing their daily activities across various aspects of life. 

What Quran Says About Hijab? 


Many Muslim women today use the term 'Hijab' to refer to their headcover. The Arabic word 'hijab' itself translates to conceal; or veil. It covers various meanings such as screen, covering, mantle, curtain, drapes, partition, division, and conceal. Though, the word Hijab does not come in the Quran.